

Sunday, December 26, 2010

PrettyJean Who?

Who is PrettyJean? Well, definitely, PrettyJean is not the apparel or the denim or perfume from France which Jean-Claude Ellena created. PrettyJean is absolutely a person who was born in the month of January. She's certainly a Capricorn, a woman of principles and discipline. And most of all, she's no other than me.

In this first blog, the importance of personality,and the reasons why we need to know our own personality are being discussed. Why do we need to know ourselves? Why do we need to be borne on this Earth?

Every individual has the right to be borne. Being alive, and having  the chance to live on this Earth are opportunities which give a person the consequence of proving herself to others. Generally, this is true to everyone, and very perfectly naturally true to me.

To live on Earth has a purpose. And to target that objective purposively, any one needs tools and weapons. One of our tools and weapons on this Earth is our personality. Knowing oneself helps make  herself successful, and tremendously great. Every individual needs to learn more about herself so that she can also relate herself to others. This Intelligence is called INTRAPERSONAL by Dr. Howard Gardner. Definitely, if a person is strange to herself, she can't understand herself better, and will always have conflicts with herself. Having conflicts with oneself always results to committing suicide. To avoid this fatalistic attitude, one should figure out herself better. By studying one's personality, a person can be brave enough to face all the challenges and sufferings that might come across her way, and can be au fait with nature and situations.

As a person, I started hitting the books on personality since I was a  child. I also love reading my daily horoscopes which SOMETIMES  gave me a hundred percent exact reading of myself. I never stop learning about my traits and characteristics, my attributes and talents,especially the innate talents and knowledge our GOD  has bestowed upon me. In this case, I am certain of  what I need to do. I can plan directly and righteously. I can stay cool in times of crises.

Up to this moment, I still need to learn more about myself. I still need to discover who really I am so that I can make right decisions, and I can figure out my next move. This way, my purpose in life also becomes clearer.

I want to share how I ascertain myself more.  Today, I again searched  the internet for my query about my personality. And here is the result of my research. This result answers the question about my traits and characteristics. Read on to know who PrettyJean is. So you will stop asking "Who is PrettyJean?"

The following discusses everything about my personality as presented by And I attest that they are all true and 100% evident in myself.

Capricorn zodiacal characteristic

Basic traits of Capricorn character - December 22 and January 20

Capricorn meaning horoscope
THE Zodiacal Sign of Capricorn commences on December 21st, but for seven days, being overlapped by the influence of the previous sign, so it can not take its full power until on or about December 28th. From this out it is in full strength until January 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Aquarius. People who were born between January 20th and the 27th partake of the characteristics of both Capricorn and Aquarius, and the same rule applies to all persons born within the "cusp" of any signs.

These people are usually ambitious and the lives of those born under this sign are marked by a purposeful pursuit of their destiny. CAPRICORNS have a sense of purpose and a great faith in their own ability.

People born in January are usually mentally strong, but they are, as a rule, generally aren’t understood by other people. They are thinkers, reasoners, and usually successful in business or any form of government work. Capricorn is a pushy Cardinal Earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of adversity.

They are as a rule very independent and high-minded in all what they do, and detest being under the restraint of others. Capricorns will grind anything that gets in their way down to dust. Time is definitely on their side.  It gets easier for them as they older.  When they age, they cheer up too.

They must be leaders in whatever they are engaged, or else they are inclined to lose their interest in what they do. These poeople, as a rule, are serious individuals, beneath their reserve there is a sensitive and sympathetic person and anyone who needs a strong shoulder to lean on needn't look further than the CAPRICORN. One of their more striking characteristics is their subtle sense of humor.

Such people have non-typical ideas of love, duty, and social position, and that is why they are often considered to be "odd," and do not fit in easily with their neighbors or colleagues. Their basic concern is for security and to understand the feelings and needs of other people. CAPRICORNS have a great sense of pride and will not forgive anyone who belittles or slights them

They are often excellent speakers, but not because they are good orators, but because they plain their speech.

Although they may seem to be cold, they have warm hearts towards suffering, and as a rule they give away very much, but subscribe more generously when giving to institutions than when giving to a person.

Fear is at the root of all Capricorn troubles. It si necessary for them to chip away at those fears. They must try to be gentle with themselves, but do the work. 

They worship intellectual, clever people; they rarely interfere with the affairs of others, but they will never stand interference from others.

They should aim for some form of public life. Generally these people succeed in such careers. Government or responsible positions of control and management of others is the best work for them.

This people are inclined to excite bitter opposition but bear up against it with a philosophic spirit. Their home and family life is very often a troubled one. They frequently feel "lonely-hearted" and misunderstood, even if it is not so. On the other hand they respond well to domestic life because it proves stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical CAPRICORN is unlikely to jeopardize the union. They place great importance on personal happiness.

If we take in the full picture, we will see that it is a mixed bag of both greatness and evil. This can take many forms. It can show one who suffers at the hand of evil and who is cast out in disgrace, or it can show one who has sacrificed their own soul to gain the world, or some variation in between. There is often a fondness for the earth and agriculture present in these natives.
Capricorn - The Sign of the Sea Goat
Synonym of this sign is a purposeful man. That people always have the purpose, and trying to reach it, using all possible means. Capricorn sweep away absolutely everything working precisely, definitely and rigidly while getting to their target. Rigidly - does not mean rectilinearly.They can be guileful and artful working everything out delicately. It is difficult to catch them red-handed.
Representative of this sign as a friend is loyal, kind, caring, and often very generous to his/her friends. CAPRICORNS gain something special from long-term friendships. They usually make the most solid and best friendships with people who are born in their own period.
As a rule these people are more inclined to suffer from indigestion, rheumatism and pains in the feet.
The colors which give the most suitable vibrations to persons born in this period, and which are the most beneficial to them, are all tones of grey, all ranges of violet and purple, and also black.
The birth stones for this period are moon-stones, pearls, and amethysts.

To learn about your own personality, you may go to their site. The link is here...

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