

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


She's my best friend, LauraTrejo since 2007. She lives in Alabama. I live in the Philippines. 

How did we become friends? Well, because of technology, it's not difficult to be friends with someone you have never met from the time you were born. That's what had happened between me and Laura. We never met personally. I don't even know her personally. Same thing as she doesn't know me, too, personally. But we became friends, the best of friends, that when Snapvine was going to be shut down, Snapvine was where we became friends, I asked her to  keep in touch with me. I thought it was impossible to do that since I was very sick that time. I think, Laura, is the ONLY PERSON ASIDE FROM MY FAMILY WHO COULD ACCEPT A VERY UGLY PERSON LIKE ME ESPECIALLY WHEN I WAS BLUE ( as in having blue skin, I was a blue baby, and still a blue woman from time to time) AND HALF PARALYZED AND WAS TRYING TO BE ALIVE! Laura, from across the globe, came into my life to give me reasons to live, to explain why those things were happening to me. She even recorded some of her advice and inspirational speeches for me just to help me through, to help me survive those hard times.

Since then, I haven't done anything for my friend, Laura. I think, I am not a good friend to her. Even if she offered help, I ignored and refused because of my very hectic schedule. We have different body clocks and time to follow. I don't even have much time for socialization and for making friends. But my friend, Laura, is not a kind of person who is demanding and discriminating. She always understands my situation. She's always around for me. She always has time for me even if I don't have time for her. She's so cool, so thoughtful, but NOT bossy. I am so free with her. I enjoy my freedom within our friendship.

And that's how I know about friendship. Every party must enjoy freedom. Even if we are binded by the so-called friendship, still, each one of us has our own life to live. We must breathe. We must have fresh air. We must NOT be suffocated in any relationships that we are into.

Today, I felt like, I wanted to do something special for my friend, Laura.  So here it is 

But she's a woman who is always full of surprises, so she surprised me with this

We are very far from each other. We are over mountains, oceans, and hills. But long distance is never a hindrance to express our love for each other. I thought, I would be the one to give her a special gift, but, she gave me more than I gave her. She always does.

If we can only spread this kind of love and friendship all over the world, there will be no conflicts and no wars. 

I just pray that our friendship lasts for a lifetime.


  1. oh Jean, I am sitting here crying. You just dont even realize how much you are there for me. Everytime I am feeling sown and out, sad and lonely or just hating life and wanting to give up, All I have to do is go to my facebook page and there you are singing or posting the Word of God in my ear. The one that is just exactly what I needed to hear! I feel the same way about you. You have really been a life line to me too! I will always be your friend. And you can always count on me to be there if you ever need me! NIGHT OR DAY! Love you my friend, Take care n God bless! *hugs*

  2. thanks friend for being part of my life...I always pray to be an instrument in making people happier and to be even a little help to all my friends especially to my ever loving friends like you so I can make difference in one's life...I hope I am serving my purpose on can always count on you, friend...GOD BLESS!...hugs...
